Saturday, November 12, 2005

Halve liter Heineken

So, I basically messed up with shopping today. Ate some chinese bun with some non-kosher summat in side that is making my bowels feel like they have been processed with a paper shredder. The medicine is waiting though (see heading). The second thing was that I brought home twice the amount of carrots that fit in my carrot box in the fridge. This proved to be an exellent carrot reduction technique: Carrot Halwa (look left).

It tastes very good, better than I ever had in any restaurant and tomorrow it will even be better.

What is this CSI crap about anyway, you can't see xrays.... L&O is much better ...

My daughter and I were reading some books today. I showed her pictures of Sinterklaas, but she did not quite understand. She was much more interested in some pictures of Indonesie with tigers (POES!) or olifanten. The snap on the right is after diner, about to go to bed.

I think I figured out how the user interface for the deltaF or Fa estimation jiffy should work.
I'll tackle SAD, SIR first and then extend to SIRAS, RIP, RIPAS and MAD.

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